Sharpen Your Blade,Sharpen Your Skill.

Top tips to sharpening your knife using sharpening stones Part I

sharpening stone tips

I have always been fascinated with knives. As a child, I got excited whenever I went to the local hardware and found a farmer sharpening a pocketknife on the countertop whetstone. That fascination is still with me five decades later. Over the decades, I have perfected the art of making patterns for everything from shucking oysters to cutting chores. It usually hits me as a surprise when I come across someone who cannot sharpen a knife. You are probably thinking to yourself – this is embarrassing, I am one of them. Well, you shouldn’t feel bad about it, as you are about to learn how to sharpen a knife, regardless of the type. It doesn’t matter if you have a customized blade, or a commercial knife maintaining a sharp knife is pretty much effortless. Here are a few tips to guide you on using sharpening stone.  

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