Sharpen Your Blade,Sharpen Your Skill.

Tips for Selecting the Right Bevel Angle

A crucial initial step when carrying out the whetstone knife sharpening  procedure is the selection of a probable angle. Regardless of which method a knife owner is utilizing, a bevel angle has to be selected. When an individual knows the basics involved in knife sharpening, selecting a suitable angle becomes an easier step. Initially, to make it easier to set the angle, commence with a bevel angle of 20 degrees. Most of the knives can be sharpened fine on a 20-degree angle when the sharpening is done properly. Later you can fine tune to your desirable bevel angle to enhance the knife’s performance according to your specific needs. Remember that when trying to select the fit sharpening bevel angle, durability and sharpness are the two most influential factors. For instance, the sharpening angle becomes lower, the sharper will the knife blade become. But, it becomes more vulnerable to easy chipping and thus, less durable. In case you are after a very durable edge, you will have to set a larger angle. Usually, a larger angle can withstand hard surfaces compared to low bevel angle that has a thinner edge.

Though personal preference determines the angle choice, we have come up with a chart guide according to our professional advice that is usable on various blades.

Knife/Tool type

Recommendable Bevel Angle


X-Acto Knives

Fillet Knives

Paring Knives

12 - 18 Degree


Carving Knives

Smaller Knives

Kitchen Knives

Boning Knives

Chef's Knives

18 - 25 Degrees

Sport Knives

Hunting Knives

Survival Knives

Pocket Knives

25 - 30 Degrees



30 - 35 Degrees


1 comment

  • That’s the sharpening stone I need

    Frank Lemons

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