Sharpen Your Blade,Sharpen Your Skill.

Maintaining Your Lawn Tools

Maintaining Your Lawn Tools

Kitchen is not the only place where we use metal tools on a daily basis. Our garage, an outdoor excursion or lawns are some of the places that require certain tools. And just like a kitchen knife needs to be razor sharp; our tools need to be looked after as well to perform their job.

Today, we’ll discuss why it is important to keep your lawn tools in good nick. If you happen to live in the city within an apartment block then you may not have to tend to a lawn. However, if you happen to be a suburbanite with a big yard then you should definitely read on.


If you have ever worked with a dull shovel, then you know it’s no fun. It takes every ounce of your strength to jam the damn thing in the ground. It may be a good workout but it surely doesn’t make your work easier!

The sharpening becomes even more important if you are using a curved edge shovel; so when it comes to dealing with tough soil, roots, and ice, it can do its job easily. To start off, keep it clean and moisture-free so it doesn’t rust. Moreover, every now and then use a large file to keep its edges sharp. However, if you haven’t sharpened the shovel in a while then you may need to take it to a professional sharpener who will use a grinder to bring it back to life.

Hedge Clippers

A hedge clipper is probably one of the most common garden tools and is exposed to the brunt of the trimming work. The constant abuse can leave its blades without the sharpness, rendering it useless. When it comes to sharpening a hedge clipper, a 10-12 inch mill file should do the trick. An important factor to keep in mind while sharpening the clipper is to sharpen along the factory created edge; deviating from it may damage the blades.


A trowel is a handy tool that we need for tasks such as breaking up dirt, planting, and weeding, etc. You don’t need a lot of work when it comes to keeping a trowel in good working order. Just sand the edges, every couple of weeks with a file and you’re good to go.

The garden hoe

A quality garden hoe will be the workhorse of any garden maintenance kit. You will need it for jobs like getting rid of weeds, breaking ground, and spreading dirt. When sharpening a hoe, you do need to be a bit careful as they usually do not have bevels.  A gentle sanding session with a file on its edges should be enough to keep it in good working order.

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