Knife Safety & Kids

Knife Safety & Kids

As rewarding as it is, being a parent also has its fair share of challenges, especially when your kid’s curiosity makes him poke around every nook and cranny of the house. Eventually, they will turn their attention to knives (or other sharp objects).

Of course, you can always yank away the knives from them; however, the best way to keep them safe is to teach them how to remain safe around such objects. Today, we’ll share with you some basics of what you can do to teach your kids about knife safety.

Knife Safety Key Points (SASS)

  • Stop – make sure no one else is within arm’s reach

  • Away – always cut away from your finger or other body parts

  • Sharp – a sharp, clean knife is a safe knife

  • Store – knives closed, in a sheath or knife block

Kitchen knife safety

Introducing young people to knives involves parental guidance and familiarity with the important aspects of ownership.

Of course, the appropriate age to place a knife in the hands of a child may vary, depending on the individual and the circumstances. We think kids with ages from 8-16 are good to learn about knives and their proper use.

To start off, patience is your best friend. Handling a knife properly is a skill that takes time and shouldn’t be rushed.

Always, always use a sharp knife. We can’t stress that enough. A dull knife in a child’s hand is nothing but a nasty injury waiting to happen. To be safe, we recommend checking the knife for sharpness before letting your kid use it. And once your kid gets the basics of knife handling, teach them the basics of knife sharpening as well.    

Allow them plenty of space to function. A good way is to start with a cutting board large enough to provide ample space to maneuver. Also, teach your kids to remain “on the cutting board” while using the knife.   Secondly, make sure they have a proper line of sight while they’re using the knife. Give them a stool to stand on so they’re at waist level with the counter.

When a child is working a knife, it could slip out of the hand and may end on your or the child’s feet causing damage. The best way to avoid this is that you both wear closed toe shoes.

The non-cutting hand is just as important for safety. Make sure it makes a C shape while holding the object being cut. This allows the fingers to be tucked in thus avoiding injury.

Pocket knife safety

If you happen to an outdoorsy family then we’re sure you understand that a good pocket knife is an essential tool. And at some point, you’d want your kids to learn how to handle and use a pocket knife properly.

First of all, make sure your kid understands how a pocket knife is different than a typical kitchen knife. Teach them how the pocket knife opens and locks into place. Teach them to always carry the knife with the blade closed in their pocket, so it doesn’t cause damage. Moreover, they should be taught how to maintain a pocket knife.

Kids are often inquisitive and try to take apart their toys and other objects. Teach them that a knife is not to be taken apart as it is not safe. Ask them not to use it for hammering as it will leave the blade damaged. Lastly, always stress the need to use the pocket knife safely and not to fling it at anyone.  

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